Our Idea

We did not set up this association to add to the thousands that already exist, each with its own project and an action plan independent of the others, but to support valid pre-existing ideas and projects that unfortunately do not have the funds or the organization to be completed. In this sense we intend to mainly support projects developed by those who live and work in the context in which he or she wants to promote them, without distinction of nationality, culture or religion. The decision to set up the association was made after getting to know one of these projects during a stay in Africa. In the city of Maralal, in the north-east of Kenya, we met Br. Rev. Peter Musau and what he is trying to build:

The Irene School

Irene School is the high school for girls in Maralal. Opened in 2016 in a context in which it is not taken for granted that girls go to school, it offers the opportunity to continue education to those who have achieved excellent results in elementary and middle school, but come from a family situation of extreme discomfort. Trying to carry out this project means going to clash with the social and cultural reality of this place. Marriages at the age of 12-13 and female genital circumcision, are in fact still widespread practices among the semi-nomadic pastoral communities of northern Kenya, regardless of religion. School and education are the best tools to avoid them.

To the project

Basketball Field "Emanuela Camiolo"

We strongly believe that the role of sport is fundamental in the growth process of each individual and opens new perspectives. For this reason, we are raising the funds necessary to build a real basketball court for the girls from Irene High School, which can allow them to develop their enormous potential in sport that they love, and that finally makes them real players.

To the project

The Good Shepherd Minor Seminary

The Good Shepherd Minor Seminary was founded in 1979 by the Consolata missionaries and within a few years became the best male higher education center in Samburu County. Since January 2019, after having been a student and professor of the school, Bro. Museu has agreed to become the rector. The biggest challenges are the now inadequate infrastructure, which goes back up to the 1980s, and must now host a number of students that has tripled, and the impossibility for some families to pay school fees. Beeing a college, it is imperative to provide students nutritious and diverse food and a healthy environment to live there for nine months of the year.

To the project

Italian and Mathematics school

Regarding the subject of education, we decided to work alongside young people, particularly willing and motivated, also in Italy. These are boys who had no possibility in their countries and who wanted to restart in school to build themselves a new life. In this project, we support them as much as possible, helping them to learn Italian and improve their Mathematics skilly. These are in fact the major subjects of the eighth grade exam, which affect their career start or the continuation of school. Some of these guys thanks to their commitment are now our colleagues at the University. With them we went through the registration process and we continue to assist them for any eventuality.

To the project